Saturday, December 22, 2007

Seasons Greetings one and all

Another year draws to a close and it's strange how many of the lessons you have to learn are done in a bunch at the end of the year. I was talking to a colleague last week who is an evangelical christian. I was concerned about two things. Firstly, how little knowledge they had about religion in general. The terms Agnostic, Atheist, Deist, Pantheist, Theist where all new terms to them. I thought that the church would be educating their parishners in these terms, if only to argue against them. The person I was discussing this with is an intelligent, witty and extremely nice person. They have a job that requires a high level of technical expertise as far as I understand what they do. But they hadn't thought to ask these questions. After talking for a little while about these terms, and generally about evolution as opposed to the creation philosophy, they stated their belief that the "Man did not decend from apes". To Evangelicals, the bible is the last word on the topic. Man was literally created by God and the Earth is only 6000 years old and probably that it's at the centre of the Universe. I wish I had more time to ask how they feel about science and it's findings. The fossil record. Carbon dating etc. Maybe I will take the conversation further next year.

This led into a conversation last night with a colleague in the pub (Well, it is Christmas :-) ). Who was arguing for the fact that it is acceptable to have that sort of belief. I don't think he really thought that but was playing devils advocate. Isn't quoting a theory, no matter how much evidence is in favour of it, just a belief system too? that was the argument proposed. I think all that calls into question is our use of the word "belief". If your only evidence is a book, written by someone several hundred years after the events it purports to describe, with no actually proveable elements, then you are on a sticky wicket as far as I'm concerned.

My second lesson was about the kindness of strangers. Standing at Holborn tube station last night, A blind guy was trying to find the door of the tube train. I only became aware of this after seeing someone trying to gently guide him towards the open door. A very small act of kindness that quite overwhelmed me. This is not something I see everyday.

Happy Holidays

Friday, December 14, 2007

The week that was!

Another busy busy week comes to an end but the Fun doesn't stop there. Working the way I do, the boundarys between the "working" week and the weekend seem to blur. I think this is something more and more people are going to find as the drive for a greener community pushes forward. No longer will most of us be bound to a desk in a building. The days of managers needing "bums-on-seats-luvvy" will soon be gone. Instead, your 9 to 5 existance will be replaced with target led performance contract. And this is how it sortof works for me now. I agree my targets with my manager. They are realistic with some time factored in for those unexpected occurances that inevitably happen. It works well and allows me the flexibility to do the other things I need to do and work the hours that suit me. One proviso is that I'm available when an urgent issue comes up. This is a small price to pay.

So, work work has been very busy this week. Isn't it funny how everyone seems to see Christmas as a deadline. Non-work things done include the usual level of study and some more updates to the OUSA-NHL website ( We are getting a reasonable number of hits considering it has only been in existance for about 6 days. I'm doing what I can to make sure we have relevant information for local OU students. It's a lot harder and much more time consuming then I anticipated but I'm quite emjoying. There has been a little feedback but generally, I'm working on what I would like to see a local and mature student.

I've taken a couple of calls this week from local people about issues they are passionate about. Although all I can do is pass on thier details, I would love to try and make sure these issues are really looked at. I know how it feels to be on the end of a telephone and feel that you are getting nowhere. Anyone in that position can rest assured that if you keep at it for long enough and stamp your feet as much as possible, someone will eventually listen.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

The meaning of meaning

Todays blog is brought to you by the words :

Honesty and Enthusiasm

And the number :

Lets start with the dirty words.

I went to dinner last night with two lovely friends. They cooked and asked me my oponion about the food. I said I would be honest (as I always am) and I think they where quite worried about the prospect. As it turns out, everything was delicous so they had nothing to be concerned about. Had it not been though, I would have politely given my oponion (because it was requested). Honesty is not well recieved these days. But isn't it important to give an honest opinion when asked? If you don't, doesn't that debase your opinion completely. If I say something is "absolutely superb", you can gaurantee thats how I really feel. If I said it was when it wasn't and you knew I was lying to be polite, you would be in your rights to never believe what I said to you again. So it can be done in a polite and constructive way without malice but it has to be done. Is it so these days that people expect you to give a particular answer? I don't think honesty is a well respected quality when it comes to opinions.

I'm quite enthusiastic. When I get involved with something, it gets my all. I can't help it. it's the way I was put together. More and more these days though I find myself apologising for this. If I chase a job at work or follow up on some project people seem to get upset about it. If you begin a conversation about a particular topic (especially religeon or politics), people actually get frightened if you show some passion.

Why is it so bad to be Honest and Enthusiastic?

Ok, now to Pi. I think I am beginning to appreciate peoples fascination with this number. It's an amazing entity. It can drive people mad overnight (See Darren Aronofsky's film). The square root of 9.8696.... which is probably another irrational number. It is the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter. Who made that so? It has a non repeating, infinite decimal expansion so it possibly contains every combination of every number there is,could be or EVER has been! If you could write it out in full (which you can't), with each digit no bigger then an atom, the universe would not have enough room to hold it. And people think Eastenders and Heroes is mind blowing!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Health and Safety Local government styley

I had a real laught yesterday (must quit doing that as it gives you crows feet)! I recieved a Memo stating that the Health and Safety people had said that the paths outside the office where wet and before departing for lunch, employees should fill in a risk assessment form. Part of it was real, I'll leave you to guess which bit. Promptly followed up by another that we must no longer put things on the walls with Bluetack unless we fill in the Asbestos log first and seek permission (Probably in triplicate). Has local government Health and Safety gone mad?

I spent some time in London this week with some friends watching a lecture by John Zarnecki at the Royal Society. He developed one of the instruments that went to Titan (one of the moons of Saturn). The penetrometer. I wondered how many email content and spam checking packages would allow that through! If you have never seen the lecture, go. He is a good speaker and a charismatic person. It was nice to see the Royal Society too.

I've also spent some time developing the new North Herts and Luton OUSA Branch website. One of my first attempts so not entirely professional but a good start (IMHO). Take a look at Actually, I'm feeling a bit bogged down with things at the moment so maybe time to take in a movie this week. I hear the New Christian Slater movie is pretty good.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Nice one Mr Brown. Doesn't the quote "I knew nothing until Saturday night" sound a bit familiar? "I did not have sexual relations with that women". OK, we trust you. On you go and see what other trouble you can get yourself into.

Are we at all surprised? We shouldn't be. How many times does something like this have to happen before we accept the old saying - Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. What to do though? When the next election comes round, will it all be forgotten under a mountain of promises and give-aways. No doubt it will because I can't help thinking the British public are a little dim like that.....

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Richard Dawkin

I'm a little scared! I don't mind admitting it. I've been reading (and listening to the Audio Book) "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. Firstly, let me state that I have always considered myself Agnostic. I neither believe nor do I "not" believe. Until there is evidence either way, I "fence sit". Reading Richards book I began to realise that the fence sitting posture is not one to take lightly. There is ample "evidence" to dispel the myth of a God (it doesn't matter who's god). There is no evidence to suggest there is one. But science is not about "proof", it's about "disproof". Would I be right in now saying that I am satisfied that there is enough evidence in favour of no god or should I continue to keep an open mind on the topic. Perhaps it is correct to believe the current evidence until disproved?

All of these arguments, those that support the arguments of Agnosticism and Atheism alike, are that there is something to be proved or not. I hear the view against allowing the teachings of creationists as it "is not real science". Correct. It isn't. But then, neither is Atheism or Agnosticism. Science relies on the remote possibility of proving a theory wrong. It does not rely on the proposition of that theory.After reading Richards book, I was originally left with the feeling I should quite my fence sitting and take a stance either way. My feeling is that I should fall on the side of the Atheist. But another thought crossed my mind. Isn't that almost as bad following the belief that there is a god? Is that accepting that science can prove or disprove the existence of a god?

Fundamentalism in any form is detrimental to the doctrines of Science. I believe many things have been done in the name of religion. But then, many things have been done in the name of Nationalism, racism, pure power. They are all just as morally reprehensible as each other. Does a firm Atheist stance not count as Fundamentalist?

Monday, November 19, 2007

It's been so long!

So - My sincere apologies for taking soooo long to make a dent here. Thank you to Paul for signing the guestbook. Nice to see this blog is so widely read. I've been a little absent because I've been taking my OU exams. The results aren't out until the 14th December so I'm not entirely sure how I have done. I've signed up for next years study which is wide reaching and informative. At least I thinkso even though all my freinds think I'm mad for spending my evenings and weekends with my nose stuck in a book!

Contrary to popular belief, I also listen to books and the current selection is Richard Dawkins - The God Delusion. Anyone for a religious debate? It seems the options for discussing
religion are limited these days. Everytime I do online, I think GCHQ is watching what I type. Such has become the Internet that anything you type is possibly monitored by the authorities. But then, perhaps they have something more interesting to do. Probably, my paranioa is being increased by the Internet produced film, Zeitgeist. Have you seen it? How much do you believe? A freind introduced me and I lost two hours of my life I will never get back. truth and lies mixed in together. Just what the conspiracists ordered. You decide?

Monday, July 30, 2007

Michael Buckley tells the stars how it is!

You have GOT to see this. "What the Buck" video podcast on Youtube. It's one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. Not only because of the irreverant take on the rich and famous, but his delivery is perfect! I imagine those folks at Youtube will eventually be forced to take it off because it offends those that it takes the "Michael" (excuse the pun) out of. Anyway, Michael, make it available on iTunes for god sake..... besides, don't the rich and famous invite this kind of thing? ;-)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Disneyland - Not for pussys!

I will NEVER go to Disneyland again during the school holidays. We have been to Disneyland Paris several times but last week (hence my lack of posts), was the first time I have ever been in the official holidays and the queues where horrendous. To cap it all, Europeans must be the most careless people on the planet judging by the amount of bruising on my legs where people where getting to close behind me in those queues. I lost count how many times I got trodden on. I also like to keep a little free air around me but it seems people waiting in line for rides think that doing that will make their queue time longer. One women stayed so close to me througout an hour long wait, that I practically gave her a piggy back! One tip - Wait until the evening parade. At this time, everyone is watching it and then afterwards, most of the parents take the tired and winging kids back to the hotel. From this point on, the rides are virtually empty and the considerate people come out. All except those that decide queuing is not for them and proceed to jump into the closed "fast pass" lane, bypassing all those people that have patiently stayed in line. When I mentioned it to one of the attendants they told me "oh, the fast pass queue is now closed". When I asked them why they are still letting people on through the fast pass lane, they looked at me blankly. Perhaps Disney only employ dim staff? I hate to say it but the Americans do Disney way better then the Europeans and are much more curtious to the patrons. We will be experiencing that again early next year..... watch this space......

Despite all that, we had a ball! The place we stayed was a little off the beaten track but it was very nice and I would highly recommend it to anyone wanting a slightly cheaper alternative to the Disney hotels. The people that run it where really nice. One tip though, if you take this option, hore a car. The shuttle is about 10 GBP per trip so can get expensive..

We also went Eurostar for the first time (We usually fly). I think I will be flying next time. Eurostar was ok but the round trip for us was 10 trains. If you have to carry your baggage for the entire journey, which we did, then it becomes very tiring. I would rather hop to the Airport, lose the bags until the other end and only suffer 2 planes. If you like trains though, it's a good choice.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Business opportunity?

So the dilemma is thus :

It's more economical to buy large. When buying shampoo, conditioner or bodywash, it's way better to get the bigger sizes. The problem is that when I go on holiday, I need another suitcase for all my toiletries! So I'm hunting through the supermarkets and pharmacies today to try and find mini versions of my favourite things and couldn't find them anywhere. Last time I went away, I bought mini bottles and decanted some from the big bottles. Not only is this a pain, but the labels don't last long and I ended up washing my face with Shampoo.

Yay for Charles Worthington take-aways. Little bottles of everything you may need. I haven't used his products before but I thought it was worth a try. Now you may be asking "why don't I just buy the products when I get out there"? The last thing I really want to do on Holiday is hunt around a supermarket. Besides, they never have brands I recognise and the shops are pretty much always closed when I get to any hotel.

So, I may write to the manufacturers of my favourite brands and plead they do the same. That is, or course, only if I don't love the Charles Worthington products so much that I end up switching.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Evolving the Human

I find it incredibly odd that we have not evolved to withstand things that have been around since before we where. Evolution is supposed to allow the survival of the most adapted through mutation and natural selection. So why do we need sun block?

Recent scientific press releases suggest that the Sun's power output is not increasing and so is not a contributing factor to global warming. If this is the case, why have our bodys not evolved mechanisms for coping with a phenomenon that we have always lived with? Shouldn't we have developed the ability to withstand any damage the sun does to us naturally? Life could survive outside of the protective oceans early in it's history partly because UV radiation from the sun would have broken down the protiens it contained and killed it. The sea provided a natural defence against this happening. When it evolved a certain level of protection, life was able to flourish on dry land. So we do know that life can evolve protection but why hasn't it developed sufficiently to fully protect us. Perhaps there is an evolutionary advantage in not doing so. I believe that populations in hotter regions have better protection (perhaps those living in equatorial latitudes), but surely, it is enough of a hazard that all living creatures should have developed protection. Which lead on to thinking about if Animals suffer from skin damage due to sun exposure. After all, they are out in the open more often then Humans, with less protection and they don't wear sun cream!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Internet dating .V. the pub and club!

So I have had reason to revisit this debate with myself in the vast casm of unfilled space called my mind. I have been absent from chatting on the internet for quite a long time. Mostly, chatting to people that I know via MSN Messenger and Yahoo Messenger, but also using facebook and chat rooms. When I discuss this with people there seems quite a divide on the topic of Internet dating and most people have very stong opinions against Internet chatting and dating. I kinda find this a little odd. I settle into two areas of thought.

1. With internet chatting/dating you can get to know a little about the person you are talking with before you decide to meet face to face and put your safety, potentially, on the line. usually, those interested in you for one asset show themselves very early and conversations rarely progress beyond simple sentences all aimed at getting you in a prone position of their choice. This is quite distinct from the usual "flirting" stage that all initial encounters have. On the Internet, you don't have to buy your date a drink so moving straight in for the kill is what most people (for "people" read "guys"), seem to go for like it's a winning tactic. Perhaps it is and that's why it happens so often. on the other hand, you have those that really want to chat and at least, don't mention S.E.X for a few exchanges at least. Sooner or later, it will come though and all in the comfort and safety of your own home where you can quite easily turn them off :-). And thats the key! You can turn them off. Through the haze and mist , I have chatted to some genuine and sincere people. You may eventually get to the flirting stage but they seem to have a way of telling in an online conversation, be it through type, Audio and or video, when that vital stage has been reached. Some people take their time and that is nice. Just like the real world.

2. Ok, the second way to meet people is to get off your ass and get down the pub or club and talk to "real" people. I think most people would agree this is still the primary way people hook up. But is it? Today, so many times you hear of people "meeting" through Mutual online networks (like FB), where the dynamics are more like the real world. You hang out with people you know who have freinds who eventually become your friends. You learn about peoples interests. In short, you learn a little about the person. In the real world, you have to have a reason to be there. I go out alone to the cinema and maybe a meal afterwards sometimes and I always get the "awww, Sad lonely bastard coming through" look from the others, Or perhaps it's me thinking that and manifesting it on others ;-). So if you want to go out, you have to have freinds. If you move to a new city how do you make them without going through the SLB stage? It's a dilemma so many people face and don't want to discuss it for fear of being singled out as a norma/norman nomates. face to face meetings have all the dangers associated with them and at least online, you get to know those with unwanted intentions earlier on. I'm not really into standing in a club holding a bottle of whatever just looking around while all your friends do the same. I'd rather be somewhere where you have some sort of activity like talking, dancing, eating... some sort of experience.

So, I think Internet chatting/ dating gets a bit of a bum wrap! I don't think it should replace the face to face contact we have with people, but it sure as hell can enhance it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Society love Goldilocks

Nobodys perfect! But unfortunately, society will no longer tolerate it. A year ago, the press was full of storys about people wanting to lose too much weight and be very thin, under nourished, pale and interesting (in my humble opinion). The glossy magazines took the blame and everyone was told "you must all put on weight". Now, everyone is talking about the obesity problem not just in the UK but worldwide. Everyone is getting bigger and you have to cut down to half a carrot and a stick of celery or you'll die screaming. P.l.e.a.s.e! Let people just be happy. OK - There is a need to make sure that your body is in shape and healthy but we can't all look the same - It would be BORING!

Today, listening to talk radio, they where asking if an obese child should be taken away from it's parents and likening it to child abuse. Way to go and make every parent of an overweight child, even if they have struggled to keep the weight off, guilty at every turn. My daughter is carrying some weight. We try very hard to eat healthily. plenty of Fruit and Veg. Small portions. Loads of water. No added salt or sugar (not even on Cereals) etc... but occassionally, you do have to let your hair down and have a night out and a little self indulgence. But boy, do I feel guilty these days when I m sitting in a restaurant with my Daughter and she chooses something off the menu that isn't all that great for her (Like a cheese pasta or creamy desert for example). I can feel all these judgemental eyes boring into me. It doesn't matter that we eat properly the rest of the time. Society doesn't care! THIS time, we aren't and you're gonna pay tenfold in guilt. OK - I'm yet to have someone point at me and shout "abuser", but in my mind, it's only a matter of time!

Anyway - For society to love you these days, you have to be :

Medium Height
Medium build
Average intelligence
Have hair (or have hair but deliberately remove it)
All your facial features in the right propoertions
2 arms
2 legs

in other words - Just right! Personally, I blow a raspberry in societys face. I like people to be different and varied. Bring on the clones? not bloody likely.

Monday, July 09, 2007

It's a jungle out there!!

Today, the sun is finally shining and life is good. Late night last night visiting a friend (Becky waves to Katie)and taking in yet another movie. I LURV my unlimited card. Best 11 pounds I ever spent :-)

A news item caught my eye this morning. A senior citizen in the US was forcefully arrested in Utah for having an "unkept lawn". The pensioner, who was confused when approached by police to be cautioned about not watering her lawn, turned to call her son to sort out the issue and the officer hit her with handcuffs and cut her nose. The story says she was arrested and after treatment at hospital was taken to the police station. Thank god we don't have such a law in the UK. My front garden, which admittedly is a little small, is an overgrown jungle! I see it this way. There is a hedge so other people don't have to endure it and the cat loves it out there. He's like a tiger stalking his prey when he gets out there. Also, It's a nice wildlife habitat. After all, I envaded their space. Thats my excuse and I'm sticking to it. The fact that the back yard takes all my time to keep nurtured has noting to do with it ;-) On that note, I am starting to benefit from the vegetable growing. So much produce I can hardly get through it before it all rots. It's amazing how much longer shop bought veg lasts which just shows how much preservative chemicals they use to keep them fresh! My radishes shrivelled in days ;-)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Life twists for the more exotic.

I'm a little down today after an incident in the street last night. I spent the day with a friend shopping for summer clothes for my up-coming trips and had a really lovely day. We decided to go back to her home town for some Dinner afterwards. Whilst walking to the restaurant, for the first time ever since I transitioned 10 years ago, I got verbally abused in the street. So it was a group of teenagers but the ferocity of the shouting really put me off my guard. I was quite shocked that such intense feelings about transexualism still exists. OK - So if people find out, they are generally a little shocked. This is a pretty nice feeling in some ways because it shows that they had no idea to begin with so all the changes you have made in your life have not been in vain. Some people are just really good at spotting some visual clues that might give your status away but generally speaking, day to day, it doen't happen. It made me start to think again about those people for whom "passing" every day is almost impossible and the hurt they must feel when they get the same response I got yesterday.

So, what is it that makes people feel so agrieved by people like me or even the wider gay community? Is it their own insecurities, always cited by the Gay community when they get abused. I'm not so sure. Is it this current generation who are growing up with a culture that uses lyrics in songs against Gender and sexually different people and where the word "gay" is used as a derogatory term? Or some other far more inbred and evolutionary reason. Perhaps the feelings that we where "deviants" has never actually gone away but has been forced underground by legislating against prejudice without really ever addressing the issue of education. I know of many places on the Internet that have become "closed" because of the ferocity of the attacks they recieve. I can't quite put my finger on it but I would love to know. I've had a lot of rejection in my life because of the way I am and I've also had a lot of surprises when people are capable of looking beyond it. Yesterdays incident just proved to me that, I'm quite lucky to not have people shout at me like that all the time, but it is sometimes not appropriate for your status to be revealed as feelings out there are so high, it can be an area where your personal security is threatened. Yes, For the first time in quite a long time, I feel very vunrable. However, I'm not going to let it upset me too much. It's one time in 10 years. I guess thats a pretty good track record. I've had more nice reactions then nasty ones. Generally speaking, the population is very good about things. But perhaps I'm a little blinkered because I don't undergo that sort of treatment everyday. I know of plenty of people who do and I realise, probably for the first time, how blited their lives must be. Keep you head up high and don't let the few bastards grind you down!

Anyway - As a result of all that - I sat down and watched Soldiers Girl again last night (I haven't watched it for quite a few years). You know it's the saddest film I probably have ever watched but it always gives me a determination I can't find anywhere else. If you haven't seen it, try and get hold of a copy. In the UK, thats very hard. I taped it from Showtime when I was in New Jersey but have since bought a copy from Amazon. It was never released in the UK which is extremely annoying. It's a film everyone should watch and based on a true story.

PS. Troy Garity is HOT!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Facebook. Are you a fan?

Alison Bell on LBC radio is chatting about Facebook and it's merits. I've always been happy with ways of keeping in touch online as it carrys some anonymity. Most of the press that anonymity online gets is bad. People grooming kids etc but in some cases it can be a good thing. For example, in cases where vunrable people want support from those in the same position. One area which was fantastic for me when I was going through my transition, was being able to chat online to those who had already overcome the issues I was facing. At that time, Facebook, Myspace and Bebo etc, did not exist, but instant messaging programs like MSN messenger and it's associated chat facilities, Geocities and Yahoo chat where all great places to meet people in the same position. I made some good friends. I used Friends reunited too and a few people I had lost touch with who had heard of my changes managed/wanted to get back in touch with me and that was very encouraging. However, it is very important, even if you have no reason to want to stay anonymous, to make sure you don't give too much about your personal circumstance away. Just that little extra piece of information can make identity theft easier for those involved in it. So, like real life, just take care online and keep your eyes open and be aware, people aren't always what they seem.

Click here for my Facebook page (you will have to log in to see it).

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Good riddance to stale air.

Yay - The smoking ban came into force in England today. Before all you smokers complain that we live in a nanny state etc... Think about the years we have had to breathe in your foul exhaled air and the times we have come home smelling like an old ashtray. Now, it's our turn. For once I will be able to go into a pub, Club or restaurant, eat and drink without a mouthfull of carcenagenic shit. You have to the right to smoke (it's not illegal like some other drugs), but now you can't affect those that don't want to have to endure it. After all, how would you like me to come and piss in your hair?

Yesterday, despite the rain, we made it to Pride London. See the pics at my google web albums page. it was an excellent day. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. Well done once again organisers for such a brilliant event. The number and quality of the floats was exceptional and I think my Daugther really enjoyed it. London showed once again that the terrorists won't stop us from doing our thang. PFC where there again. I've carried that banner before. Perhaps I should do it again someday! Anyway, take a peek at the photos if you are interested.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Come out in London!

So, another pride London comes round again. I haven't been for about 5 years but the last time I went it was a great day out. I had to pay for tickets to get in to see the main stage then but I see this time it is in Trafalgar square so it must be free! Excellent. One of the main reasons I'm going is because my Daughter loves a parade and this one is usually very noisy and colouful (I actually marched in it once). We went along to Luton Carnival (as we do every year in May) and the damn thing was cancelled because of the rain. She was very dissapointed. Lets hope that the current events in London and the weather don't dampen things down this year. Will post some news about the day soon.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ohhhh the stra-a-a-i-innn

I read somewhere recently (I think it was some study material associated with my OU course), that you can only concentrate properly on something for about 1 hour. I think the advice should be something like "you can only concentrate on something you aren't interested in for less then 1 hour". I find I can lose time in an activity that totally absorbs me. I'm sure many people are the same. When was the last time you forgot about the time because you where absorbed in a book or film or doing something creative. Watching football, fishing? being drunk doesn't count before you ask. I used to be able to lose days through being drunk but I don't think I was concentrating on anything in particular except perhaps trying not to throw-up.

So this leads me to think about the viability of an employer holding your attention for 7 hours (minimum) a day. Is this really possible? (rhetorical queston obviously). But then, how many individual tasks do you undertake that last a whole day? Probably not many. Perhaps an hour here doing one thing, then an hour there doing something else. Today, I have spent about 8.5 hours on one task. I think I deserve a raise. And I am working from home so the need to "pretend" I'm busy just doesn't arise. I have to say this is quite unusual because my day usually consists of several discreet tasks all lasting about 45 mins maximum each. I defy many to prove they carry out a task, that requires a high level of concentration, for longer then this period.

Proud of myself :-) So my unlimited Cinema pass is gonna get an outing.......

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Goodbye Tony, *sniff*

NOTE : This post is written with no political axe to grind :-)

OK – So today is the day everything changes! Erm…… well… .Almost. I’ve been listening to all the analysis of Blairs time in office this morning on LBC radio (Nick Ferrari likes to wind people up – I’m sure his views can’t be so far from everyone elses! Anyhoo, Lately, my Daughter and I have taken to going on countryside drives in the evening as it’s too wet to do almost anything else. Considering everyone seems to be complaining about how badly off they are since Tony came to power, you should take a drive and see all the houses that are in these little villages. They are all like mansions. I mentioned a few weeks ago about a colleague who has just bought his house in the country and I hear about "Mad"onna buying the house next door to her in London for 6 million pounds. My colleague paid a 6th of that for his country mansion. When money is tight, how can anyone justify buying a house in London for 6 Million? So that leads to 2 conclusions. Either the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer or people are just not as badly off as they say or think they are (with a few exceptions). When I go out, I see more people in the pubs and clubs on more days. It used to be just Fridays and Saturdays people could afford to go out. One of our local nightspots is now opening on a Sunday until 2am and I regularly see advertisements for Wednesday and Thursday openings too. Ok, so this is good as now there is more choice but I doubt it means that the Fridays and Saturdays are thinning out, so it must mean people are going out and spending more which leads me to the conclusion they have the money to do it. Alternatively, personal debt must be growing, which leads me into thoughts about credit card companys fuelling personal debt. But that’s for another day. Overseas holiday centres a booming with people taking several holidays a year. The level of leisure time has increased with the drop in working hours and increases in annual leave allowance for most people. People aren’t sitting at home reading a book. They are getting out there, and this needs money. People are better off. It’s just we have expanded the ways to spend our money to fit our increasing purse.

So, what about everything else since Blair came to power. Hospitals seem to be better although in my humble opinion, the administrators in these places are corrupt. Also, how about competent Doctors being able to operate on their own. When my Daughter was admitted to hospital a few years ago, we dealt with one physician until the day she was released. We then had another walking around with about half a dozen Doctors following her, the original one we where dealing with included in the crowd. The "chief" doctor started to tell us "her" diagnosis of my Daughters condition! She only gleaned that information from her "junior" so what was the need for both of them? Wasteful. The NHS has enough money – They just need to spend it more wisely.

Education frankly is a bit of a lottery. It’s not through lack of funding or mismanagement but some of the teachers employed not being up to date with what they are teaching. Ok, in some subjects this isn’t important as the school system is something that provides a basic education in grounding topics to a level that has hardly altered in 100’s of years. However, Some of the newer teachers are coming out of training with brand new perspectives on the subject filled with newly discovered information (I’m talking about science subjects specifically) and are teaching that to the kids. "That’s great" I hear you cry, and it is. However, those kids with teachers trained in the dark ages and who do not keep up to date then produce a two tier education system. Also, those schools that can’t attract the new teachers are left with the lazy dinosaurs.

Wasn’t that a rant!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, Sunday - To good for me.

I'm going to have to take the "recluse" comment on my profile off soon. I've been out more times then I can count the past week. Partly because of my "sad, lonely bastard" cinema card and partly because I seem to have suddenly got loads of invites to places. Last night, I went to a friends Birthday get together and it was kind of fun. I guess I was a little embarassing as I was the only adult on the huge trampoline she has for the kids in the garden. I nearly broke my neck however because it had been raining and the bouncy bit was extremely wet. The kids seem to think I was either cool or deluded as they where all on there with me. Also, most of the adults seem to hang out in the kitchen where the booze was like it was going to be suddenly spirited away and they where going to miss out. As I'm now teetotal this was not a problem so I ended up in the living room where the tooons (as in music not cartoon characters) where having a waist slimming dance. It was fun.

Today, I'm supposed to be going for a country walk with a friend but I think the weather may stop that unfortunately (for the second or third time). Still, some lunch in a nice, warm, friendly country pub might be nice instead.

Seems to be a little bit of a slow news day today. The only major UK headline is about Gordon Brown taking over the premiership of the country from Tony Blair. How come political storys always dominate on a Sunday? I also see that the spice girls are reforming. My Daughter will be thrilled. No one else seems to be so at least the tickets will be available and cheap. If it's a sell-out 2 minutes after they come onto ticketmaster I will never believe what the press write again :-)

I'm really getting into the drawing at the moment and decided to put some of the early work up on web albums.

Ok - Off for my rainy walk.......

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Motivation? can't be asked.....

I'm having a real problem getting motivated today. I'm currently studying with the Open University (which has some fantastic distance learning courses). I've just completed one course (maths) and I'm halfway (well, probably over half way now), through an Astronomy course. Most of the courses I've done so far have been completed on the basis of assignments only but this one has an examination. I have't done an exam since I was at school many many many years ago and this in itself is scaring me. In addition, I'm finding that I am having really terrible trouble retaining all the stuff I need from the course. As I feel I'm stating to get behind with the text too I'm starting to question both my ability and my motivation for putting myself through it when I'm unlikely, at my age, to make any contribution in either subject. Ok, so I get some really good skills on the way which are transferable to many aspects of life. If thats the only motivation for doing it, then perhaps I should take a course on "general skils" or just get back to reading (which I haven't done for as long as I can remember). So, right now, I'm quite depressed about the prospect of having to go through another 300 or so pages, 2 assignments and 1 exam in the next 2 months. It almost seems undo-able. BUT, if I have that attitude, then perhaps I have nothing to lose. keep on plodding on in my own time and see what happens. I think perhaps it might just be this weekend and the desperate need for a break after studying pretty much every free weekend for the past 2 1/2 years. So anyway, think I'll take a nap and see how I feel after that :-)
So, Distance learning - Friend or Foe? I would take my hat off, If I wore one, to the OU in that they do have excellent support for students. They run plenty of sessions where you can get together and work in groups for real or online. You also get good tutor support too. None of it seems to help when your motivation is low and you feel like you just aren't up to scratch in the skills required to make it a success. One drawback to some of the online groups is that it makes me feel even more stupid sometimes, but at least I get to ask the stooopid questions without having to hear the sniggers or show my embarrasment at showing I don't know something I should!
Ho Hum.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

It’s been a rather busy weekend and week and that’s why I’ve only managed to update things today. I had a "Monty Python" moment with a restaurant this weekend. I rang to make a reservation at a place that serves Chinese food and also has a disco after 10pm which my Daughter would absolutely love. I asked for a table for two and they said they could fit me in but only as a table on the dance floor. Obviously, we would have to finish before the disco started, which I thought was fine. After a series of other hurdles to negotiate, he asked me what we would be ordering! I hadn’t been before so I said I had no idea what they had on the menu and usually made that decision when we where seated in a restaurant. I think this pissed him off a little as after a moments silence, he said "Oh … no… I just realised….. we are fully booked tonight"! Immediately the Monty Python cheese sketch popped into my head! Go take a look and you’ll see what I mean.

A couple of news items caught my eye so far this week. Some, a bit controversial. Firstly, the news that Hammas has captured Gaza. I’m not making any comments about either Fatah or Hammas as I have a very limited understanding BUT, Isn’t the west for representation by Democracy? Didn’t Hammas win an election that was deemed by the international community to be fairly run? Doesn’t that mean that they have the support of the majority of their electorate? What would happen in the UK if the British populace elected one party in a general election and then certain powers decided they didn’t like the result so wouldn’t abide by the outcome? Please, world, get your act together and make peace. Do politicians really trust the electorate to take a balanced view when deciding who to vote for, or do they expect certain outcomes because the information given to the electorate is sketchy at best or innacurate and misleading at worst (the Iraq dossier springs to mind). Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

On a lighter note. I read this morning that the Broadcasting Advertising Clearance Centre (who? They tell advertisers what they can and can't do), have stopped the Egg Council from re-running a Tony Hancock egg commercial from the 50’s because it’s slogan "Go to work on an egg", breaks their rules on advertising a balanced diet. What about other adverts such as those for "Special K breakfast cereal" that tells you to have the same product for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 2 weeks! Or the diet milkshake drink that tells you to have one for Breakfast, a normal Lunch and one for Dinner. How did they get through the "watchdog". Bizarre.

Ok - Towards another hectic day :-)

Friday, June 15, 2007

So what the heck is "Carbon trading"?

It just seems odd to me! Again, we see the company that can afford to buy its way out of the worlds problems doing so, and leaving those that can't , trying to offset them. In addition to my ramblings the other day about the rising cost of public transport, I begin to wonder if all the recycling and "carbon reduction" attempts we are all making is really worth it when big business and, indeed, world powers can carry on polluting the world and just trade away there responsibilities. I got into the frame of mind the other week that no-one I care about is likely to be around in 100 years so when things really get bad so why the hell should I bother? America is taking the same stance and pointing at Chinas increase in the use of coal powered electricity generation and basically washing there hands of the whole affair. It's a bit of a mess right? And guess what. There have been about 10 trees removed in my local vacinity in recent months because they either "make a mess of my car" or "block out my light". That just about sums up most peoples view of this global catastrophe in the making. So, I'll do what I can but until I hear of those that can really make a difference doing so, I'm unlikely to radically alter my way of life just so those that have the money can screw the rest of us (as usual).

Give me a reason to change my opinion?
PS. Watch the trailer for the Simpsons movie. It's hilarious! It reminds me that the start of the Hitcher movie has a CGI rabbit at the beginning which becomes roadkill. I bet some thought it was a real one. Didn't look real.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

So you think you have problems?

Damn this system sometimes! I spent most of the evening uninstalling Internet Explorer 7 after it virtually forced me to install it. aftwich, I couldn't access an-eeee-thing!!!

To cap it all, I then couldn't access my blogger account. Why do people make things so difficult sometimes. Anyway, what made me happier was a quick wander around the garden to reduce the stress. The flowers (see pic) have come out great this year and it's still (relatively) early. Also the veg patch is coming on nicely to. Nothing to eat from it yet but I did start a little late. Better timing next year I hope.

Yesterday was pretty good in the end to. I had a visit to one of our people in the afternoon who has just moved to a new house. And what a fantastic house too! I think it was owned previously by someone in the leisure industry as it has an underground recording/rehearsal studio. I'm not talking an small room that you couldn't swing a cat in. This was very spectacular. In addition to the very large house with a host of extensions, massive grounds and a lovely indoor/outdoor (the glass panels pull right back) pool this is the sort of house anyone would love to live in. To complete the setting, uninterrupted views of the countryside from the back of the property.

Apparently, no-one knows who the previous owner was so the mind starts to wander to someone really famous or so rich they can afford such follys. I wonder who....... Answers on a postcard (I can't obviously tell you where it was).

So, After work, another visit to the cinema to see the new version of "Hitcher". The old one was the one that I think launched Rutger Hauer's career in film and was extremely scary. The new one isn't a patch on it. I would compare it to the original slasher movies of the 80's like that one set around a lake where everyone gets killed (name escapes me). And thats pretty much it. No real atmosphere at all and certainly yukky rather then scary. Maybe I'm just getting immune to it. You see worse things in real life these days unfortunately. I've got something to say about the current news story about parenting and obesity but thats gonna have to wait til later as I have to get back to work soon.....

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

If in doubt, Sleep!

Yesterday, the feeling of "stuff to do" was a little overwhelming. After a nights sleep, it doesn't seem so bad. How come sleeping has this capacity to cleanse? I still have all those things to do, but I feel a lot more relaxed about it. Just a simple thing like making sure the kitchen was clear last night before bed, makes the following day seem a whole lot more manageable. Perhaps the sun shining and the flood of vitamin D my body is expecting may also have something to do with it. I still have to try and gain some motivation and inspiration to tackle the remainder of this course..... Ooohhh - I'll talk about that later :-(

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Goodbye sweety

Life has some unexpected turns. I had two cats. Named by the previous owners who where obviously Faulty Towers fans (Cybil and Basil). Sadly, a few weeks ago, Cybil fell ill and within a few days had passed away. Of course these things throw us a curve ball, but this threw me for 6. The last pet I had, which was about 20 years ago, was Duke, the dog. A lovely crossbread alsation. He got cancer and I had to take him to the vet and have him put to sleep. It was a very sad experience and I ended up losing 4 days from work because I was so upset. He had been with me for about 10 years. I really didn't think the loss of a pet now would affect me so much, but it did. Basil, Cybils Brother misses her terribly. He's been moping around quite a bit since she went. BUT... Time heals and I'm sure he will bounce back soon enough......
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Pic of George at Wemb-er-ley

I Forgot to post a piccy of Wembley and George! Yup! He's the dot in the centre of the stage! When you consider How far away from the stage we actually where, that pictures actually grows into something miraculous! I also thought that my camera would have been confiscated or something (There is a sign on the gate on the way in saying you can't take them in). Despite being searched by security, I still got it in. Now that is either some kind hearted security gaurd or complete ineptitude for a job. I'd like to think the latter.

art for arts sake

I'm sure thats not what he meant when he said that!

So this one was done one evening when watching something or other on the tube. Something I rarely do these days as there really isn't a lot worth watching....except... something called Filthy rich and homeless (taken over from the omnibus edition of the Apprentice). Unfortunately, I think it finishes this week. D'oh!

Busy weekend!

This weekend was pretty good all in all. I had decided to finally balance things a little. So a day of work and a day of play!

Work day weapon of choice? Study. I had and assignment due this week so I thought I had better get that finished and then in the post. I also thought I had better catch up with a little work from another course I'm doing.

Later on in the day, the urge to go to the cinema stuck me so I did! Nothing like spontaniety. I signed up for one of those "unlimited" cinema passes! Wow! being an avid film watcher anyway, 10.99 a month and I get to see as many films as I want. Blockbuster and the like are going to lose out big time if they don't get there act together on the rental front. The cost of hiring a film and all the hassle that goes with it (posting etc) are not warranted if you can just pop into the local fleapit anytime you like. Online film downloads are just not there yet are they? So, after paying ofr my first months subs and then watching both Oceans 13 and Pirates I think I got my moneys worth in the first weekend. Anything else is a bonus.

Sunday, sunday...... I trip to London :-) I couldn't believe the cost of a travelcard. £17. The rail and public transport companys are going to have to do much better then that if they want us to leave our cars behind and use them. Flippin heck - it would have only cost me a fiver in the car and then 4 quid for a ticket to ride the tube (which I have to say has improved recently). Some recommendations for places to visit - The national Portrait gallery (fantastic and free), and the Science Museum (above). The latter always a great place to visit which is (mostly) free.

The evening was a stroke of luck! A friend had a spare ticket to see George Michael at Wembly stadium! The chance to see the new wembly on the weekend of it's first concert was a chance not to be missed. Oh, and George was good too! ;-) Only kidding, he is brilliant as he always has been. Shame about his troubles. He didn't seem to worried about offending his partner though which I was a bit shocked about (Easily shocked obviously)!
