Life has some unexpected turns. I had two cats. Named by the previous owners who where obviously
Faulty Towers fans (Cybil and Basil). Sadly, a few weeks ago, Cybil fell ill and within a few days had passed away. Of course these things throw us a curve ball, but this threw me for 6. The last pet I had, which was about 20 years ago, was Duke, the dog. A lovely crossbread alsation. He got cancer and I had to take him to the vet and have him put to sleep. It was a very sad experience and I ended up losing 4 days from work because I was so upset. He had been with me for about 10 years. I really didn't think the loss of a pet now would affect me so much, but it did. Basil, Cybils Brother misses her terribly. He's been moping around quite a bit since she went. BUT... Time heals and I'm sure he will bounce back soon enough......
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