NOTE : This post is written with no political axe to grind :-)

OK – So today is the day everything changes! Erm…… well… .Almost. I’ve been listening to all the analysis of Blairs time in office this morning on
LBC radio (Nick Ferrari likes to wind people up – I’m sure his views can’t be so far from everyone elses! Anyhoo, Lately, my Daughter and I have taken to going on countryside drives in the evening as it’s too wet to do almost anything else. Considering everyone seems to be complaining about how badly off they are since Tony came to power, you should take a drive and see all the houses that are in these little villages. They are all like mansions. I mentioned a few weeks ago about a colleague who has just bought his house in the country and I hear about "Mad"onna buying the house next door to her in London for 6 million pounds. My colleague paid a 6th of that for his country mansion. When money is tight, how can anyone justify buying a house in London for 6 Million? So that leads to 2 conclusions. Either the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer or people are just not as badly off as they say or think they are (with a few exceptions). When I go out, I see more people in the pubs and clubs on more days. It used to be just Fridays and Saturdays people could afford to go out. One of our local nightspots is now opening on a Sunday until 2am and I regularly see advertisements for Wednesday and Thursday openings too. Ok, so this is good as now there is more choice but I doubt it means that the Fridays and Saturdays are thinning out, so it must mean people are going out and spending more which leads me to the conclusion they have the money to do it. Alternatively, personal debt must be growing, which leads me into thoughts about credit card companys fuelling personal debt. But that’s for another day. Overseas holiday centres a booming with people taking several holidays a year. The level of leisure time has increased with the drop in working hours and increases in annual leave allowance for most people. People aren’t sitting at home reading a book. They are getting out there, and this needs money. People are better off. It’s just we have expanded the ways to spend our money to fit our increasing purse.
So, what about everything else since Blair came to power. Hospitals seem to be better although in my humble opinion, the administrators in these places are corrupt. Also, how about competent Doctors being able to operate on their own. When my Daughter was admitted to hospital a few years ago, we dealt with one physician until the day she was released. We then had another walking around with about half a dozen Doctors following her, the original one we where dealing with included in the crowd. The "chief" doctor started to tell us "her" diagnosis of my Daughters condition! She only gleaned that information from her "junior" so what was the need for both of them? Wasteful. The NHS has enough money – They just need to spend it more wisely.
Education frankly is a bit of a lottery. It’s not through lack of funding or mismanagement but some of the teachers employed not being up to date with what they are teaching. Ok, in some subjects this isn’t important as the school system is something that provides a basic education in grounding topics to a level that has hardly altered in 100’s of years. However, Some of the newer teachers are coming out of training with brand new perspectives on the subject filled with newly discovered information (I’m talking about science subjects specifically) and are teaching that to the kids. "That’s great" I hear you cry, and it is. However, those kids with teachers trained in the dark ages and who do not keep up to date then produce a two tier education system. Also, those schools that can’t attract the new teachers are left with the lazy dinosaurs.
Wasn’t that a rant!
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