Todays blog is brought to you by the words :
Honesty and Enthusiasm
And the number :
Lets start with the dirty words.
I went to dinner last night with two lovely friends. They cooked and asked me my oponion about the food. I said I would be honest (as I always am) and I think they where quite worried about the prospect. As it turns out, everything was delicous so they had nothing to be concerned about. Had it not been though, I would have politely given my oponion (because it was requested). Honesty is not well recieved these days. But isn't it important to give an honest opinion when asked? If you don't, doesn't that debase your opinion completely. If I say something is "absolutely superb", you can gaurantee thats how I really feel. If I said it was when it wasn't and you knew I was lying to be polite, you would be in your rights to never believe what I said to you again. So it can be done in a polite and constructive way without malice but it has to be done. Is it so these days that people expect you to give a particular answer? I don't think honesty is a well respected quality when it comes to opinions.
I'm quite enthusiastic. When I get involved with something, it gets my all. I can't help it. it's the way I was put together. More and more these days though I find myself apologising for this. If I chase a job at work or follow up on some project people seem to get upset about it. If you begin a conversation about a particular topic (especially religeon or politics), people actually get frightened if you show some passion.
Why is it so bad to be Honest and Enthusiastic?
Ok, now to Pi. I think I am beginning to appreciate peoples fascination with this number. It's an amazing entity. It can drive people mad overnight (See Darren Aronofsky's film). The square root of 9.8696.... which is probably another irrational number. It is the ratio of a circles circumference to its diameter. Who made that so? It has a non repeating, infinite decimal expansion so it possibly contains every combination of every number there is,could be or EVER has been! If you could write it out in full (which you can't), with each digit no bigger then an atom, the universe would not have enough room to hold it. And people think Eastenders and Heroes is mind blowing!
Follow the reveal of Euclid’s new catalogue on 19 March
*The European Space Agency is releasing the first catalogue of astronomical
data from the Euclid space telescope, including three new enormous image
21 hours ago
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