Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sleep is for wimps.

Late night coke does me no good at all. I don't drink it much but last night I just fancied it and BAM! The usual thing happened. Awake at the crack of dawn, Hey - I got coke and crack into the same blog and it's all legal :)

Today, the clowns are gathering. This afternoon I have to meet with one of them to tell me to tow the party line. I hate those chats but I am really going to try and say nothing. I've come to the conclusion that it really isn't that important in the scheme of things and swimming up stream is getting harder these days. Time to hop in the metaphorical inflated rubber ring and take a trip downstream to see how the other fish live. They are probably all looking at each other and saying "I thought you had the plan"?

Monday, February 11, 2008

The corporate ladder and how to climb it.

There are two type of corporate ladder climbers. Naturally occurring corporate ladder climbers, (from this point forward, to be known as "Natural assholes", NA's for short), and those that are taught to climb the corporate ladder ("Taught assholes", TA's for short). To make it in either sense, you have to have a flair for the inner asshole. All other corporate employees are "TA initiates". They have the potential to rise through the corporate ranks but there efforts are often stifled by the NA's and TA's.

Generally speaking though, NA's climb higher up the corporate ladder because the don't teach there trade so well to the TA's. These people tend to want to make you think they have all the answers, (you know, the ones you mentioned at that meeting last week and where told that was a stupid idea), stifle creativity (Unless the idea comes from them), and tell the rest of us what we should be thinking and saying. Oh - and they want you to make up stories and tell lies about why you are carrying a project out even thought the entire thing is a huge waste of public funds that benefits no-one and the money could be funding an extra TA initiate to actually be doing something useful.

Take blogging as an example. Our corporate NA's have decided to start giving advice about the world of blogs. The people that set these "ground rules" have probably never even read a blog. They disguise this "advice" in the form of "You will be the victims of identity theft and get some really nasty incurable diseases and be responsible for the death of the human race through global warming if you go on line and say what you think". The main reason for this advice seems to be the concern that you may criticise your employer and people will be able to read it if you put it online.  Even if the blog is written in your own time, using your own equipment (ooops).  I say, don't do stupid things and people won't say bad things about you, idiots. Blogging is about free speech (Remember that concept?) and only a complete buffoon (yes, like the NA's and TA's possibly), would give so much information about themselves that even their doctor doesn't need a rubber glove.

Get real you numpties and write about something you know about like forcing money from the public and investing it in rubbish!

Disclaimer - There are one or two exceptions to the NA rule, I'm sure you know who you are.  Usually, people won't spit on you in the street.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Science rocks!

I'm happy tonight. I've just had Dinner with two friends I lost proper contact with a few years ago. I'm also pleased with myself for recommending a place to eat that didn't suck big time :)


During dinner, I reminded myself how exciting science can be by explaining what colour is. I've been concentrating on the maths a little more then the science recently and this evening I surprised myself at how enthusiastic I actually still am about science and how fantastic the world around us is. To those that where present, I salute you :) Another surprising thing is how much you actually retain after 3 years of concentrated study.

On the way out to the restaurant, I was thinking about the times I feel intimidated about my surroundings. Don't ask me what made me think about that, It's just the way my mind works. I was trying to figure out ways to overcome it and make me relax. Oddly, making sounds that mean nothing seems to help. Chochowshooka. Just thinking about how to pronounce it takes your mind off other things! T-14 days and counting...

Monday, February 04, 2008

Feeling ill? Don't go and see Cloverfield!

I've been feeling a little rough this weekend. I had to cut short a meet up with some friends on Friday because I had a severe stomach ache. Saturday, I had a very bad headache and felt nauseous. I thought all this was just about being a little run down because I haven't been sleeping that well. So Sunday, I decided to go and watch the new movie "Cloverfield". If you are feeling ill, DO NOT GO AND SEE THIS MOVIE! The camera work is so jumpy within 10 minutes I could no longer watch. Within 20 minutes I was back home throwing up violently. I'm not saying it was the movie per se, (I wasn't feeling that great to start with), although if you suffer from motion sickness anyway, this will almost certainly be a movie you cannot watch. 

Friday, February 01, 2008

Windows Live Writer

Another cool thing about Windows Vista is it's Live writer software. This give you a really easy link to your blog that allows you to update just as if you where writing yourself an email. It's now a lot easier to just a little write up to my blog which means I will probably do it a bit more often :) Poor you!

So, as well as being a rather hectic week this week. So much new technology to try out. Not only my new laptop, but another for a project at work which may very well get cancelled. With the expense and very little value in the final outcome for the users, some are questioning if it's money well spent. I would have to agree that it isn't. I'd rather see a little more spending on social care then computers. But then, it's not my call.

This weekend is turning out to be pretty hectic on the social front too. Tonight, I had a lovely evening with my friends in London. We where due to go on to a pub after a lovely meal but I developed a rather serious stomach ache so headed home early. As we met from work, and I haven't been sleeping that well, I think we where all tired anyway so probably just as well.

Tomorrow, I'm going to a consultation evening followed by a Dinner/Dance. Should be interesting!