Sunday, May 25, 2008

BBC NEWS | Technology | Web users 'getting more selfish'

Of course we are stoopid. We've got more important crap to do then look at rubbish and watch adverts for pathetic stuff we don't want and can't use! For far to long you've persuaded us to spend more time then is healthy going from one useless web site to another and getting sidetracked. Today's web users are more discerning and careful about where they go and what they do.....Now.... where's that interesting link I just stumbledupon ..........

BBC NEWS | Technology | Web users 'getting more selfish'

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Climate change? You cannot be serious!

I'm a bit sick of hearing about how badly Humans are messing up the planet and being told to help by recycling and reducing my energy consumption whilst governments and corporations continue to trade "carbon points" and make money from the schemes put in place that the rest of us suckers support.


Example 1 : My local authority "kindly" picks up my recycled waste of tin cans, bottles, paper and green garden waste free of charge to benefit me and the planet. Hogwash! They pick it up because they can sell the cans, bottles and paper to recycling companies who then sell it back to us in recycled forms! They take my Green Garden waste and sell it back to me as fertiliser and other gardening products directly. We thank them for taking our recyclables from us for free, and then pay them to have them returned in other forms.


Example 2: If the government where serious about climate change and our part in the worlds downfall, then give us free (Or at least greatly subsidised) access to Solar panels. I would love to fit these and make use of the free and pollution free energy given to us by the sun. The panels are so expensive at the moment, I couldn't possibly afford to fit them. Here's a thought for a scheme that with perhaps a little tweaking could work. Why doesn't the government install solar panels on all socially provided housing. They can then offer subsidised or free electricity to those on benefits and the elderly and reduce fuel payments to both. The unused capacity can be sold to the energy companies to sell back to the consumer thereby helping to pay for the original installation. For home owners, subsidise the installation of solar panels and stipulate that spare capacity be given back to the government (in remuneration for subsidising the panels in the first place), who can, likewise, sell it on to the energy companies to provide back to those that don't want to install panels or use more energy  then their panels provide. You know why they won't do this? Because the government supports to extortionate cost of providing energy to consumers. It's financial which negates all their words on being serious about climate change.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Apprentice is not for wimps!

Pity nobody told the current contestants! Then again, perhaps the first few weeks are about weeding out the chaff from the wheat (No, I got that right in case your thinking).

I thought it was absolutely hilarious when they showed the video of Kevin side by side with the Vicky Pollard character from Little Britain. The similarity's are amazing!

vpollard kevin

They are the same people, surely! Next week, let's hope that piece of dirt Jenny gets booted. She is the biggest snake I think the show has ever had. Greetings cards about the environment! Please! I thought the singles day idea was quite good.

So do you think you can pick the winner yet? Of course. My favourite is Alex. Second, Claire.