A couple of news items caught my eye so far this week. Some, a bit controversial. Firstly, the news that Hammas has captured Gaza. I’m not making any comments about either Fatah or Hammas as I have a very limited understanding BUT, Isn’t the west for representation by Democracy? Didn’t Hammas win an election that was deemed by the international community to be fairly run? Doesn’t that mean that they have the support of the majority of their electorate? What would happen in the UK if the British populace elected one party in a general election and then certain powers decided they didn’t like the result so wouldn’t abide by the outcome? Please, world, get your act together and make peace. Do politicians really trust the electorate to take a balanced view when deciding who to vote for, or do they expect certain outcomes because the information given to the electorate is sketchy at best or innacurate and misleading at worst (the Iraq dossier springs to mind). Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
On a lighter note. I read this morning that the Broadcasting Advertising Clearance Centre (who? They tell advertisers what they can and can't do), have stopped the Egg Council from re-running a Tony Hancock egg commercial from the 50’s because it’s slogan "Go to work on an egg", breaks their rules on advertising a balanced diet. What about other adverts such as those for "Special K breakfast cereal" that tells you to have the same product for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 2 weeks! Or the diet milkshake drink that tells you to have one for Breakfast, a normal Lunch and one for Dinner. How did they get through the "watchdog". Bizarre.
Ok - Towards another hectic day :-)
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