Tuesday, August 05, 2008

"Reply to all" should be banned for stupid people.

"Reply to all" on email clients should be banned! I thought I worked in an environment where most people knew better. But no -  we had a group notice that went out for people to respond if the notice was relevant to them. In return, some absolute numptys replied :

"I don't know what this is or why you have sent me this" (Then possibly it doesn't apply to you?)

"Yes I do and my username and password is......" (Oh - that's why phishing is still popular).

These replies where sent using the "Reply to all" button getting maximum "Dimwit" coverage for the sender and also exposing the email addresses of every other person who got original email.

Earth to email users..... Try not to hit "Reply to all" unless you mean it.

Also, please don't "reply to all" saying "don't use reply to all".. That's even more annoying :)

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