Monday, August 11, 2008

My grand day out!

I'm still without my car. The petrol tank fell of the other day and it's in being repaired at the moment. It was quite scary realising that the strap that holds the tank in place under the car had fallen off and was dragging on the road producing all kinds of pretty sparks. A friend of mine who saw me coming down the street said it reminded her of a bumper car at the funfair. Worryingly, at the same time, the dropping tank had ruptured a fuel line and petrol was spilling out on to the road. How close I must have come to a firework display I would not want to be part of.

So the weekend was all about discovering the wonderful world of public transport with all it's exciting twists and turns. How people do that all the time in this town beats me. If you lived in a city (central London or Paris say), then it would not be so bad. The Tube and Metro in these cities are an excellent way to get around. The buses though are hell! Irregular, smelly and uncomfortable. The people that drive them seem a little unfriendly too with English a distant fifth language. Perhaps if they mumbled a little less through the glass that now surrounds them, they would be vaguely intelligible.

All this actually allows me to put my proposed new fitness regime into practice. So, as I had a meeting in the next town over from me this afternoon, I decided to go by Public transport and walk back. This morning I bought a Pedometer so I could see how much exercise I actually did. So, I walked from the meeting to the train station. Stopped off and watched a movie on the way home. Then walked from the cinema to my home. The pedometer read 6,478 steps. After Googling how many miles that was it turns out to be just over 3 miles! I have to say it didn't feel like much and although I tried to walk it at a fast pace, I didn't really even breath heavier. Still, I feel fitter for it. Tomorrow it will be "bike to nowhere" day.

Walking is a bit boring if you have nothing else to do. I listen to podcasts a lot and I found an pretty decent podcast from Dr Brian Cox on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Worth a listen although it did get a little repetitive after a while. I also discovered that I had made a slight error on my Science Discussion page and typed the heading as  "Large Hardon Collider". Spot the deliberate mistake? I'm sure CERNs pages would get a bigger hit rate if they typed that!

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