Friday, June 29, 2007
Come out in London!

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Ohhhh the stra-a-a-i-innn

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Goodbye Tony, *sniff*
So, what about everything else since Blair came to power. Hospitals seem to be better although in my humble opinion, the administrators in these places are corrupt. Also, how about competent Doctors being able to operate on their own. When my Daughter was admitted to hospital a few years ago, we dealt with one physician until the day she was released. We then had another walking around with about half a dozen Doctors following her, the original one we where dealing with included in the crowd. The "chief" doctor started to tell us "her" diagnosis of my Daughters condition! She only gleaned that information from her "junior" so what was the need for both of them? Wasteful. The NHS has enough money – They just need to spend it more wisely.
Education frankly is a bit of a lottery. It’s not through lack of funding or mismanagement but some of the teachers employed not being up to date with what they are teaching. Ok, in some subjects this isn’t important as the school system is something that provides a basic education in grounding topics to a level that has hardly altered in 100’s of years. However, Some of the newer teachers are coming out of training with brand new perspectives on the subject filled with newly discovered information (I’m talking about science subjects specifically) and are teaching that to the kids. "That’s great" I hear you cry, and it is. However, those kids with teachers trained in the dark ages and who do not keep up to date then produce a two tier education system. Also, those schools that can’t attract the new teachers are left with the lazy dinosaurs.
Wasn’t that a rant!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, Sunday - To good for me.

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Motivation? can't be asked.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Absolute power corrupts absolutely

A couple of news items caught my eye so far this week. Some, a bit controversial. Firstly, the news that Hammas has captured Gaza. I’m not making any comments about either Fatah or Hammas as I have a very limited understanding BUT, Isn’t the west for representation by Democracy? Didn’t Hammas win an election that was deemed by the international community to be fairly run? Doesn’t that mean that they have the support of the majority of their electorate? What would happen in the UK if the British populace elected one party in a general election and then certain powers decided they didn’t like the result so wouldn’t abide by the outcome? Please, world, get your act together and make peace. Do politicians really trust the electorate to take a balanced view when deciding who to vote for, or do they expect certain outcomes because the information given to the electorate is sketchy at best or innacurate and misleading at worst (the Iraq dossier springs to mind). Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
On a lighter note. I read this morning that the Broadcasting Advertising Clearance Centre (who? They tell advertisers what they can and can't do), have stopped the Egg Council from re-running a Tony Hancock egg commercial from the 50’s because it’s slogan "Go to work on an egg", breaks their rules on advertising a balanced diet. What about other adverts such as those for "Special K breakfast cereal" that tells you to have the same product for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner for 2 weeks! Or the diet milkshake drink that tells you to have one for Breakfast, a normal Lunch and one for Dinner. How did they get through the "watchdog". Bizarre.
Ok - Towards another hectic day :-)
Friday, June 15, 2007
So what the heck is "Carbon trading"?
Give me a reason to change my opinion?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
So you think you have problems?

Damn this system sometimes! I spent most of the evening uninstalling Internet Explorer 7 after it virtually forced me to install it. aftwich, I couldn't access an-eeee-thing!!!
To cap it all, I then couldn't access my blogger account. Why do people make things so difficult sometimes. Anyway, what made me happier was a quick wander around the garden to reduce the stress. The flowers (see pic) have come out great this year and it's still (relatively) early. Also the veg patch is coming on nicely to. Nothing to eat from it yet but I did start a little late. Better timing next year I hope.
Yesterday was pretty good in the end to. I had a visit to one of our people in the afternoon who has just moved to a new house. And what a fantastic house too! I think it was owned previously by someone in the leisure industry as it has an underground recording/rehearsal studio. I'm not talking an small room that you couldn't swing a cat in. This was very spectacular. In addition to the very large house with a host of extensions, massive grounds and a lovely indoor/outdoor (the glass panels pull right back) pool this is the sort of house anyone would love to live in. To complete the setting, uninterrupted views of the countryside from the back of the property.
Apparently, no-one knows who the previous owner was so the mind starts to wander to someone really famous or so rich they can afford such follys. I wonder who....... Answers on a postcard (I can't obviously tell you where it was).
So, After work, another visit to the cinema to see the new version of "Hitcher". The old one was the one that I think launched Rutger Hauer's career in film and was extremely scary. The new one isn't a patch on it. I would compare it to the original slasher movies of the 80's like that one set around a lake where everyone gets killed (name escapes me). And thats pretty much it. No real atmosphere at all and certainly yukky rather then scary. Maybe I'm just getting immune to it. You see worse things in real life these days unfortunately. I've got something to say about the current news story about parenting and obesity but thats gonna have to wait til later as I have to get back to work soon.....
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
If in doubt, Sleep!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Goodbye sweety
Pic of George at Wemb-er-ley
art for arts sake

I'm sure thats not what he meant when he said that!
So this one was done one evening when watching something or other on the tube. Something I rarely do these days as there really isn't a lot worth watching....except... something called Filthy rich and homeless (taken over from the omnibus edition of the Apprentice). Unfortunately, I think it finishes this week. D'oh!
Busy weekend!
Work day weapon of choice? Study. I had and assignment due this week so I thought I had better get that finished and then in the post. I also thought I had better catch up with a little work from another course I'm doing.
Later on in the day, the urge to go to the cinema stuck me so I did! Nothing like spontaniety. I signed up for one of those "unlimited" cinema passes! Wow! being an avid film watcher anyway, 10.99 a month and I get to see as many films as I want. Blockbuster and the like are going to lose out big time if they don't get there act together on the rental front. The cost of hiring a film and all the hassle that goes with it (posting etc) are not warranted if you can just pop into the local fleapit anytime you like. Online film downloads are just not there yet are they? So, after paying ofr my first months subs and then watching both Oceans 13 and Pirates I think I got my moneys worth in the first weekend. Anything else is a bonus.
The evening was a stroke of luck! A friend had a spare ticket to see George Michael at Wembly stadium! The chance to see the new wembly on the weekend of it's first concert was a chance not to be missed. Oh, and George was good too! ;-) Only kidding, he is brilliant as he always has been. Shame about his troubles. He didn't seem to worried about offending his partner though which I was a bit shocked about (Easily shocked obviously)!