Friday, June 15, 2007

So what the heck is "Carbon trading"?

It just seems odd to me! Again, we see the company that can afford to buy its way out of the worlds problems doing so, and leaving those that can't , trying to offset them. In addition to my ramblings the other day about the rising cost of public transport, I begin to wonder if all the recycling and "carbon reduction" attempts we are all making is really worth it when big business and, indeed, world powers can carry on polluting the world and just trade away there responsibilities. I got into the frame of mind the other week that no-one I care about is likely to be around in 100 years so when things really get bad so why the hell should I bother? America is taking the same stance and pointing at Chinas increase in the use of coal powered electricity generation and basically washing there hands of the whole affair. It's a bit of a mess right? And guess what. There have been about 10 trees removed in my local vacinity in recent months because they either "make a mess of my car" or "block out my light". That just about sums up most peoples view of this global catastrophe in the making. So, I'll do what I can but until I hear of those that can really make a difference doing so, I'm unlikely to radically alter my way of life just so those that have the money can screw the rest of us (as usual).

Give me a reason to change my opinion?
PS. Watch the trailer for the Simpsons movie. It's hilarious! It reminds me that the start of the Hitcher movie has a CGI rabbit at the beginning which becomes roadkill. I bet some thought it was a real one. Didn't look real.

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