If you have the time and inclination, I would recommend two books that may go some way to answer those questions you have about the future of humanity (what do you mean you never thought about it?????). The Singularity is near - Raymond Kurzweill and Radical Evolution - Joel Garreau. So depending on what scenario you end up subscribing to, Hell, Heaven or Prevail in Garreaus book or simply the Singularity in Kurzweills, you may find that the outcome is a mix of both enhanced humans that have longevity and built in technology that contains our entire knowledge. Who need Google or a wiki. Neither book seems to hold out much hope for a time when machines will overthrow their evil parents but I probably find this more appealing then the "grey goo" potentiallity of letting Mankind develop itself into destruction. In humanities final cut, organising information will be the least of our worrys, we will simply know it and won't need Google or a Wiki at all :) Incidently, according to Kurzweill, you won't have to wait long to find out - He thinks the Singularity, the moment we realise mankind is changed forever, is at most 30 years away. My head will no doubt have an "Intel Inside" sticker on it by then.
Follow the reveal of Euclid’s new catalogue on 19 March
*The European Space Agency is releasing the first catalogue of astronomical
data from the Euclid space telescope, including three new enormous image
22 hours ago
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