I am more than a little agitated today. I've bought a new phone and I've been reloading all my software - That's enough to make you scream. Although I bought some of it from a company who states "your software will always be available to re-download", the most important piece, My backup software, was not. After a few exchanges with the customer service department, it finally transpires that for some reason, despite the fact they have it, they can't put it on my accounts page. The most annoying thing though is they cannot email it to me because the IT department have an upper limit on emails of 5mb! WHAT! Yes again we let the IT department dictate who the customer should be treated and what "services" they will allow us to have. It's high time IT departments deliver what they are supposed to deliver and that's a service not a dictatorship. besides - 5mb? WTF! I can download a googlebyte from the site when I'm buying but once I've bought I'm limited? No - that cannot be right. Ok - Pedants amongst you please don't comment and say that a googlebyte is more information then the content of the entire universe. It will only serve to raise my blood presssure even further.
Follow the reveal of Euclid’s new catalogue on 19 March
*The European Space Agency is releasing the first catalogue of astronomical
data from the Euclid space telescope, including three new enormous image
22 hours ago
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