Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sleep is for wimps.

Late night coke does me no good at all. I don't drink it much but last night I just fancied it and BAM! The usual thing happened. Awake at the crack of dawn, Hey - I got coke and crack into the same blog and it's all legal :)

Today, the clowns are gathering. This afternoon I have to meet with one of them to tell me to tow the party line. I hate those chats but I am really going to try and say nothing. I've come to the conclusion that it really isn't that important in the scheme of things and swimming up stream is getting harder these days. Time to hop in the metaphorical inflated rubber ring and take a trip downstream to see how the other fish live. They are probably all looking at each other and saying "I thought you had the plan"?

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