Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Uses for your on-machine Camera

The fad of including a Web camera on your laptop seems to be expanding. Most of the laptops I looked at recently seem to carry them. This isn't a bad idea and it does save you the bother of carrying one around with you should you actually need one. The thing is, up until today, I hadn't actually used mine.

The use I put it to wasn't exactly what it was designed for but it was really valuable. Sitting at my desk, I became aware of a pain developing in my left eye. The sort you get when a rogue eyelash migrates away from it's usual position and decides to have a poke (literally) around the inner sanctum of your eyeball. Without a mirror, you are a bit stuck for finding the little critter and getting it outta there before the pain gets to great to bare.

One useful feature of my built-in webcam, is the ability to zoom in on the subject it is capturing. I used this feature to magnify my eye so I could see what was in it and retrieve that little sucker. Of course, the zoom is valuable because if you just go right in to the camera, you can't actually see what is on the screen.

I know, Genius huh!

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